Our Opportunities
How to Find Scholarships
* Select Opportunities tab (above) and click OURS to browse ALL scholarships or RECOMMENDED to view scholarships you may qualify for according to your student profile.
* Only scholarships with an Apply link are open for application. Click on the name of the scholarship to view the qualifications and apply if you meet the criteria.
* Use Search by Keyword to enter a word or phrase you may associate with to find scholarships. ex. single parent, non-traditional student, community service, leader, scout, police, firefighter, EMT, military, veteran, disability, first-generation, graduate, financial need, hardship, etc.
* Use the Show Filters button to search for scholarships by campus, semester awarded and program.
* CHECK OUT the EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS offered to Suffolk Students from organizations not affiliated with the College.
Need more assistance? Contact Mary Dernbach, College Scholarship Coordinator: dernbam@sunysuffolk.edu.
Award | Name | Actions |
$150 |
African Peoples Association Scholarship
This scholarship is to support educational diversity at Suffolk County...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$500 |
Albert M. Ammerman Scholarship
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time students
Award: $500 (one...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$500 |
Alice F. Kucmeroski RN Scholarship
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time students
Award: $500 (one...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$250 |
Alpha Beta Gamma Academic Leadership
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time students
Award: $250 (one...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$1,000 |
American Technical Ceramics/AVX Corporation Scholarship for Engineering Science, Electrical Technology-Electronics, and Manufacturing Technology Students - Continuing Student Scholarship
Awarded to: Full-time students
Award: $1,000 (one award)
Criteria: ...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$350 |
Association of Latin American Students (A.L.A.S.) Scholarship
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time students
Award: $350 (one...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$400 |
Astor Business Scholarship - Full-Time Students
Awarded to: Full-time students
Award: $400 (five awards)
Criteria: ...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$200 |
Astor Business Scholarship - Part-Time Students
Awarded to: Part-time students
Award: $200 (two awards)
Criteria: ...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$400 |
Astor Communications and the Arts Scholarship - Full-Time Students
Awarded to: Full-time students
Award: $400 (one award)
Criteria: ...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$200 |
Astor Communications and the Arts Scholarship - Part-Time Students
Awarded to: Part-time students
Award: $200 (one award)
Criteria: ...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$400 |
Astor Computing Scholarship - Full Time
Awarded to: Full-time students
Award: $400 (one award)
1. ...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$200 |
Astor Computing Scholarship - Part Time
Awarded to: Part-time Students
Award: $200 (one award)
1. ...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$400 |
Astor Health, Community and Human Services Scholarship - Full-Time Students
Awarded to: Full-time students
Award: $400 (one award)
Criteria: ...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$200 |
Astor Health, Community and Human Services Scholarship - Part-Time Students
Awarded to: Part-time students
Award: $200 (one award)
Criteria: ...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$200 |
Astor Liberal Arts Scholarship - Part-Time Students
Awarded to: Part-time students
Award: $200 (seven awards)
Criteria: ...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$400 |
Astor Liberal Arts Scholarship- Full-Time Students
Awarded to: Full-time students
Award: $400 (seventeen...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$400 |
Astor Technical, Scientific and Engineering Scholarship - Full-Time Students
Awarded to: Full-time students
Award: $400 (one award)
Criteria: ...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$200 |
Astor Technical, Scientific and Engineering Scholarship- Part-Time Students
Awarded to: Part-time students
Award: $200 (one award)
Criteria: ...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$375 |
Barbara Burggraf Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time students
Award: $375 (one...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$425 |
Betsy A. Nemeth Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time students
Award: $425 (one...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$500 |
Betty Deroski Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time students
Award: $600 (two...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$500 |
Bias Crimes Awareness Scholarship
In honor of a fallen hero who fought against bias crimes, hate and...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$375 |
Bridgestone/Firestone Scholarship
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time student
Award: $375 (one...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$325 |
Christina and Gaspare L. LaSala Scholarship
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time students
Award: $325 (one...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$425 |
Computer and Information Processing Society
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time student
Award: $425 (one...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$750 |
Cornell Cooperative Extension Scholarship
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time students
Award: $750 (two...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$2000 |
Craig Priemer Culinary or Baking and Pastry Arts Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to: Full Time Student
Award: $2000 (one award for the fall...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$300 |
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time students
Award: $300 (one...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$150 |
D.I.S.C. - Full-Time and Part-Time Students
Awarded to: One full-time and one part-time student
Award: $150 (two...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$150 |
David A. Tereshko Memorial
Awarded to: Full-time or part-time students
Award: $150 (one...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$225 |
David Elkins Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time students
Award: $225 (one...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$150 |
Dawnmarie A. Gerenstein Memorial
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time students
Award: $150 (one...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$325 |
Decision - Women in Commerce and Professions Endowed Presidential Scholarship
Awarded to: Full-time student
Award: $325 (one award)
1. ...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$1,000 |
Diverse and Non-Traditional Students Scholarship
This scholarship was created to support diversity among the students of...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$850 |
Dominic Riemma Family Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time students
Award: $850 (one...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$250 |
Dr. Frances F. LaFauci Practical Nursing
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time students
Award: $250 (one...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$500 |
Eastern Long Island Executives (E.L.I.E.) - Culinary Arts Scholarship
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time students
Award: $500 (one...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$1,500 |
Eastern Long Island Quilters Guild Scholarship (ELIQG)
The Eastern Long Island Quilters Guild created this scholarship to...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$500 |
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) "I Came To Win" Scholarship - Ammerman Campus
Awarded to: Full-time Ammerman Campus student
Award: $500 (two...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$500 |
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) "I Came To Win" Scholarship - East Campus
Awarded to: Full-time East Campus student
Award: $500 (two...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$500 |
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) "I Came To Win" Scholarship - Grant Campus
Awarded to: Full-time Ammerman Campus student
Award: $500 (two...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$1000 |
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Scholars Award
Awarded to: Full-time student – college-wide
Award: $1000 (one...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$250 |
Edward A. Thornlow, Jr., Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time students
Award: $250 (one...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$500 |
Edward and Gesa Boughal Pathway to Success Scholarship
Edward and Gesa Boughal actively support students pursuing their...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$825 |
Eileen Kamil Endowed Scholarship for Communication Students
Award: Full-time students
Award: $825 (one award)
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$750 |
Ellen Schuler Mauk Scholarship - Continuing Students
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time students
Award: $750 (one...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$500 |
Emelene Abner '02 Scholarship
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time student
Award: $1000 (two awards)...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
up to $3000 |
Empire State Diversity Honors Scholarship Program for CONTINUING Students
The Empire State Diversity Honors Scholarship Program (ESDHSP) is...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$500 |
Ethel Malloy Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to: Full-time or Part-time students
Award: $500 (two...
Deadline05/18/2025 |
$500 |
Executive Dean Dorothy "Dee" Laffin Student Success Scholarship
Dr. Dorothy “Dee” Laffin joined the Ammerman Campus Business...
Deadline05/18/2025 |